Images from the Horseless Carriage Age
You have arrived at our growing album of period photos of the horseless carriage age (Pre-1916). Most pictures will be posted with the little bit of information we have to share. We trust with the wealth of KNOWLEDGE in our community that we will be able to add more detail about the images below.
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The above slideshow is from a group of 35mm slides we recently scanned. Most of the pictures appear to be from the countryside of Pennsylvania. If you have any information about any of the photos please share them with us.
#122218-02 Old photo taken in 1915. Any one know where Lion Head Mountain is? Can you identify either of the cars?
#122218-01 The Pathfinder EMF-30 on the Gladden Tour. When and where??
#021118-01 A pair of 1909 (?) Halladay automobiles, a pair of 1909 (?) Jackson automobiles, and a pair on the left that we need to identify.
#012818-01 Heading to Pasadena, but is that California or Texas? Send us your notes on this automobile.
#081117-01 1912 Crossing the Ventura River in a....?
#052017-01 1909 Fowler CA in front of the orange groves.
#050617-01 Circa 1947 Hawaii, from the collection of M. Aldrich
#041617-1 The caption on the photo dates this scene to 5-4-13. Can you identify the trio of cars?
From Member Tom G.- All Cadillacs. The one on the far left looks like a 1913, the other two are '12's. Very distinctive battery box, and unlike most cars Cadillac put the tie rod in front of the axle.
#032517-1 The caption reads "Austin + his C.P.V. Six -1915", what do you say about it?
#021617-1 The location is Gettysburg,PA- Devil's Den, but what is the automobile
Member Robb S- Winton, either 1916 or 1917.
Member Robb S correctly identified this cars as is a Pierce Arrow, based on the side and tail lights.